Carpet Health and Your Safety
Cleaning your carpets is very important to your health and safety. Having dirty carpets means you could be breathing in harmful bacteria that could be stuck in your carpet that your shoes have brought in from the outside. It also protects your indoor air quality, and helps you reduce risk of infections. The CDC recommends cleaning your home and space very thoroughly, and keeping it very disinfected, and carpets are very large part of that area, so keeping them clean is important, especially this New Year. It can be hard to get all bacteria out of something that you can’t even see underneath of, and don’t know how to professionally clean it. Overall the health benefits you would get from spending a little bit of money getting your carpets cleaned outweigh any kind of negative side affects you could find.
For whatever reason you might need our help this year, Roth Carpet Cleaning is here to help. We have deals to help clean your whole home for a reasonable price. Our most popular sale currently is our January special, which buy two get one free, which is $69.90. If you’re interested in scheduling, you can give us a call at 412-244-9290 to speak to one of our customer service representatives who will be able to put you on our schedule officially. We look forward to speaking with you!