Our Roth Family
Some people may think being a carpet cleaning technician is a tough and unrewarding job. Here at Roth Carpet Cleaning, it’s the exact opposite. When you’re a carpet cleaning technician, there seems to be far more bonus’s than drawbacks. You’re not bound to an office chair, and you often work alone, out in the field all day. Schedule wise, we are very flexible with start times, and are ready to accommodate your schedule to our as best ability. You meet brand new people every day, are tipped for your service and time, and you get commission on sales you make on the job. You get paid $10 an hour from Roth, and you also get a variety of bonuses throughout your time with us.
Working with Roth is the right choice. We care about quality cleaning, and it is truly a family here. If you’re interested in filling out a job application, you can give us a call at 412-244-9290, and speak to one of our customer service representatives to see how we can set you up for an interview. You can also visit us in person, and fill out an application at our office, which is located at 8985 Frankstown Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. We look forward to meeting you, and hopefully welcome you into our Roth family!